This past weekend we took one last summer getaway together. It was so, so relaxing. My parents helped out with the baby’s 5AM feedings and diaper changes and then kept him in their hotel room until 9AM so we both could “sleep in” — just what the doctor ordered. It’s funny how 9AM is considered sleeping in these days.
On Friday, we spent some time at the pool in a cabana to keep the baby out of the sun. The wind started picking up in the afternoon so we headed to our room earlier than everyone to feed him and get ready for dinner.
On Saturday, we hunkered down in our rooms and debated whether to leave because of the tropical storm Hermine warnings. My husband kept reassuring me that per his research of the forecast (radars, projected storm paths, etc.), the storm likely would not hit.
We decided to stock up on baby essentials (diapers and formula) and stay. The wind was intense but on Sunday, the sky was clear and the sun was shining. We enjoyed chocolate-covered bacon, lunch on the boardwalk, and a walk to the outlets, where I indulged in Labor Day clothing sales … for the baby. (I may or may not have already bought him Christmas PJs and outfits…)
As we drove home on Monday I couldn’t help but be grateful for a lovely weekend with my family. Building special memories together is what life is all about.
And sets a good foundation for the week. ::thumbs up::
So glad you had a great weekend with family! You guys deserved it.
Thanks for post:
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