In honor of my wonderful pregnancy and my 500th post(!), I want to be real with you all. Many things are not what pre-pregnant me thought they would be. And so I present to you a list of pregnancy myths:
From neck to chest to abdomen and feet, my body has ached in more places than I thought possible.
It can happen all. day. long. I could feel great one morning and horrible in the afternoon or evening.
Morning sickness only consists of actually puking.
I mostly got such bad nausea and at times, wish I could puke and get it over with.
FALSE. I got such a wave of nausea during the beginning of my second trimester. I’m not sure if it was motion sickness or what but I carried a barf bag in my purse for my commute to work.
I’m sure there are more that I can’t think of right now. If I’m forgetting any that you can think of, please do share in the comments!
Yes to all of these! Especially about morning sickness or as I like to call it all day sickness.