Remember when I was gushing about the 70-something degree weather in NYC? Well, that weather has come and gone. It has been pretty brisk around these parts, reminding us New Yorkers that the weather here is completely unpredictable. (At least we didn’t see the snow that Chicago and Boston got. #alwayslookingonthebrightsideoflife)
No matter the chilly temperature or wind, I’m the kind of girl who appreciates a sunny day. Of course, 70 degree weather is better but I take what I can get. The tricky thing with these freezing temperatures is that none of my winter coats fit anymore…so I’m currently wearing one of my mom’s.
In more exciting news, our childbirth classes begin tonight. I’m both intrigued and nervous to see what we’ll learning about. I will keep you all posted!
Can't wait for it to warm up and stay warm! It snowed on Saturday, Tuesday, and today in Michigan!
Hopefully you will get some warmer weather back!