I have mixed feelings that it is September. On the one hand, I am excited fall is approaching. On the other hand, I am sad to see summer go. Labor Day Weekend is the end of summer in NYC–beaches and pools close and kids go back to school. September is also my last full month home on maternity leave. 🙁
As for August, it was so good to our little family. It consisted of my and my mom’s birthdays; a weekend getaway (Baby L’s first); family time; babywearing; a healthy two-month checkup; redesigning my blog; and enjoying every moment and new memory in between. I feel like my husband and I have gotten into a pretty solid routine, feel way more comfortable as parents, and our marriage has grown stronger.
Cheers to more wonderful moments and memories in this next season of life… but first, we’ll be enjoying one last Summer 2016 getaway! 🙂
September is so bitter sweet. Happy 2 months to your little guy! You guys are so cute!
It really is always a bummer when all the fun stuff closes!