We’re often so excited for fall that we forget the clocks jump forward. The days are shorter. The nights are longer. The sun goes down earlier. The dark arrives sooner. With it, autumn brings increased darkness.
The darkness creeps in slowly at first. It’s barely recognizable and then it seems like all of a sudden, the dark hours arrive sooner and sooner. It’s hard to remember what it’s like to get out of work during daylight, to wake up during daylight, to arrive home during daylight. All of that suddenly happens in the dark.
But while the darkness has certainly crept in, we mustn’t forget that light shines brightest in the dark. It’s most visible there. It stands out more. You know, the light never really goes away.
It might be harder to find or take longer to get to or be more work than you want to put in, but the light is always there–if you just look for it.
I love this post so much! Thank you!