Have a great weekend!
Filed Under: kids birthday, life lately //
Have a great weekend!
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This post is sponsored. All opinions are my own.
Have a Happy 4th Weekend!
Filed Under: Uncategorized //
This post is sponsored but all opinions are my own.
Filed Under: guest post, maternity leave guest series, motherhood //
As most of you know, I will be away from blogland a bit while I’m on maternity leave. Lucky for me – AND you!- I’ve partnered with some lovely bloggers to consistently bring you great content.
This week, I am sharing a post by Desirae from Sincerely, Mrs. Mommy. She offers great advice to deal with working mom guilt.
Working Mom Guilt: 5 Truths to Set You Free by Sincerely, Mrs. Mommy founder Desirae Ofori
Filed Under: 2under2, mom of two, motherhood //
A few days ago, I spoke with my mom over the phone and she asked me how the day was going. I probably told her something along the lines of “Oh, you know—crazy.” She replied something along the lines of, “Well that’s normal when you have two under two” while chuckling.
“I’ve traded a bit of my sanity so my kids could grow up and experience their childhoods together,” I thought to myself after I got off the phone with her.