Before last week, I couldn’t remember the last time I drafted a blog post on my laptop. That’s right… for as long as I can remember I’ve been typing away on this blog from my cellphone. Most times on the commute to work.
You see, it’s tough. It’s tough when your commute is 1.5 hours long, you’re pregnant AND tired during said commute… and then you have a newborn baby. Time is fleeting these days. Whatever free time I seem to have (AKA when the baby is asleep) is spent staring at him or cleaning up around our home.
The last couple of weeks I’ve actually had time to read through some of my old posts. While reading them, feelings of nostalgia came upon me. Not necessarily nostalgia for those times in my life–because I’m currently living my best life–but for the writer in me who produced those writings.
And so, here I am. I won’t have the same time I once did to dedicate to this space but I want to put forth the effort. I’ve decided to redesign and rename the blog before doing so because I want a colorful, energetic, joyful space to come to whenever I want to write. A place that will encourage me to do more of what I love.
I hope you enjoy the new look!
(Tomorrow, I’ll explain the inspiration behind it.)