My husband and I have known the sex of Baby #2 since mid-November but we kept it to ourselves for a few weeks because (1) we wanted to confirm it, (2) it was fun keeping it a secret for some time, and (3) we wanted to plan a fun way to reveal it!
I had a strong feeling that S was a boy so I wasn’t really surprised when we found out that he, indeed, was a boy at his reveal. I didn’t have as strong a feeling this pregnancy but have thought it could be a girl at times, and a boy at times. In full disclosure, I have always wanted a daughter but after having S, I really wanted to give him a brother. My husband feels similarly. So, we’d be happy either way! (So cliche, I know.)
I figured it would be fun to let you all guess before we spill the beans. Here are how this pregnancy compares to my pregnancy with S old wives tales/myths-wise:
Sweet or salty cravings?
This pregnancy: Sweet (fruits please!)
Last pregnancy: Salty (pickles + pizzeria chicken rolls lol)
Morning sickness?
This pregnancy: Still experiencing nausea
Last pregnancy: Nausea for 14 weeks
This pregnancy: Some people say yes, though I had bad acne in the earlier weeks
Last pregnancy: Yes
Moody or Mellow?
This pregnancy: Moody/ Moodier… according to my trust Hubs haha!
Last pregnancy: Mellow-ish
Carrying high or low?
Last pregnancy: High
R’s pregnancy: Round
Heart rate?
This pregnancy: Above 140
Last pregnancy: Above 140 sometimes, below sometimes
So what do you think? Girl or Boy?
Check back for the reveal soon!
I'm going with girl! 🙂 I can't wait to find out what you're having!