I don’t recall where I saw this but I wanted to give it a try:
Neutrals or Colors: Hmm it really depends on the day. I’m a huge fan of both. I do try to incorporate color as much as possible.
Diet or Regular: Hmm doesn’t really matter because I don’t really consume beverages of which there is a diet or regular. I prefer water, water, and more water.
Winter or Summer: This is easy: SUMMER. I’m a summer baby (my birthday was the 5th) and I just love the sun and warmth. My favorite thing about Winter is a biggie though – the Christmas season. I’m pretty obsessed with it.
Sedan or SUV: Though I currently – and have only – drive a sedan, I prefer the size and sleekness of SUVs instead.
Dog or Cat: I’ve never had a pet …besides fish. But I am much more of a dog person. Cats freak me out a bit and the cats I’ve been around have been quite … boring (in that they really just stick to themselves). (No offense to cat owners!!)
Blonde or Brunette (red, gray, white, black): Definitely brunette. I love my dark hair and have even dyed it darker. When I was younger I tried blonde but the roots were too much and I thought it looked a bit cray with my tan.
Up or Down Hair: Depends. My hair is usually up if I’m home or down if I step out – besides when I’m in my work out clothes or rocking a bun.
Coffee or Tea: I’ve had multiple cups of coffee a day this summer. Good thing there are benefits to that stuff. I do love tea, though – my favorite being jasmine followed by green because of its benefits.
Heels or Flats: Heels for {fancy} nights out. Flats all other times.
Action or Drama Movies: Hmm I’m much more into dramas. But I do love a good action flick every now and then AKA when it’s Tim’s turn to pick a movie.
Salad or Pizza: SALADS. I could – and practically do – have one everyday. Not only because they’re healthier but because they’re so yummy if dressed right and with good toppings.
Rich or Poor: Rich, of course. But but but not necessarily with money – though that would be nice. Rich with experiences and adventure. With wonderful people in my life. With good health. With love.
Tropical Vacation or Mountain Trip: Tropical vacation. But this is a big reason why I love Hawaii – you can get the tropics with the hikes. I’m into adventure so I love doing both but usually vacation = relaxation = the beach with a bahama mama or mai tai in hand.