Family visited to experience the Green River on St. Patty’s Weekend.
I started running more– with 7 minutes and change being my fastest mile! I did 3 runs this year, the most I’ve done yet.
I rode dirt bikes, went to a NASCAR race and camped all for my first time.
Road tripped to Music City (Nashville) and had a blast.
We got married!!!
We honeymooned in Brazil.
We vacationed in Puerto Rico…
And witnessed my alma mater win a bowl game they weren’t initially even eligible to play in this year- We Are!
Professionally, I had my first work anniversary and I am being promoted. I will be kicking off the new year at work but when you love what you do, it’s more enjoyable and feels a lot less like work.
Hope you all have a healthy and happy 2015. Readers, thanks for another year!!!
2014 certainly has been amazing for you! 🙂
Boss chick <3
You guys had a great year!! Happy 2015 🙂