I’ve alluded to it being a down time and my family receiving sad news recently. Well, that sad news was that my beautiful and bright little cousin, Abby, has cancer. Quite the bummer, believe me. Everyone is sad but also optimistic.
Though Abby is just 16-years-old, she is braver than just about anyone else I know and, truth be told, I’ve found myself looking up to her. The way she’s handled the news, the medical tests and the process is truly admirable.
There is no doubt she will beat this with her optimism and strength but financial help would be greatly appreciated to help with the costs of medications and a fertility plan. Please find it in your heart to donate–any amount makes a difference.
Donate here: www.youcaring.com/goabbybeatcancer
Thank you all! ❤ #teamabby
Sending lots of good thoughts!!