I have a confession: I have not sat down at my laptop to draft a blog post in as long as I can remember. I’ve been writing them mainly on my cell phone while on the go. In fact, I started drafting this post while on my cell in the airport.
The fact that I do this is symbolic of my on-the-go life… and weekend home. Getting home on the 3rd was the most hectic part. My flight was cancelled but I managed to get myself from standby to confirmed on the ONLY JetBlue flight home…and got $75 credit, too!
Family came over for a bit for our washed-out 4th of July and then I got to relax. On the 5th of July, I ran the Color Run with my not-so-little brother; went to brunch with my girlfriends …and Lucy Liu;) (as in she was eating with friends a couple tables over); and went to a big family barbecue. We woke at 6:30am for family breakfast before I left on Sunday. And then I flew back home to do laundry, get some food, clean up, and get ready for the week.
I’ve found that I’m sometimes happiest when busy–emphasis on sometimes;) This weekend was one of those times. It was no surprise to me, then, that I was exhausted yesterday. So I napped and when I awoke, I noticed the sun going down. I figured it was a beautiful evening to see the sunset here for the first time but I also wanted to workout. So I went for a run. The Lakefront has become my favorite place to run and last night’s run reminded me of the great choice I made by moving here.
Sounds like a lot of fun!!! 🙂 Love the photos.
That color run looked so fun via instagram! Lunch with Lucy Liu? How awesomely posh! 😉