One year ago, a second line appeared … It was one of the most exciting life moments to date. I felt like I could burst at the seams and telling Tim in special surprise way went right out the window because I couldn’t contain my excitement! My lifelong dream of becoming a mommy was becoming a reality.
It was one of the best days because it led to our baby boy. I’ve never loved someone so wholeheartedly and fiercely. He’s made our life so much better, so much more whole.
I am so, so grateful.
When I first looked at these maternity photos all I saw was how much weight I’d gained … Now, I see only beautiful images, some of which are my most favorite photos.
This was one of the absolute best stages in our life thus far and I’d be remiss not to thank my husband. Through the ups, downs and all-arounds, he’s been by my side. First-time parenting sure isn’t easy but loving you and being a parent with you to our baby boy is.
Thank you for helping to bring our baby into this world. It’s truly a better place because he’s here.
🙂 Such a beautiful and amazing thing to look back on.