Filed Under: wedding planning //
Featured on Associated Press as a trailblazing Latina influencer and on Parents as a Latina mom to follow, Jacqueline Hernandez Lewis is a writer and content creator celebrating womanhood, motherhood and humanity. She also works for a NYC nonprofit dedicated to preventing domestic violence and promoting gender justice. Of all her roles, mom and wife are her favorite.
Very awesome!! I LOVE the look of your wedding website! We just used a template from The Knot (lol!). We put it on our Save the Dates…and you'd be surprised how many of my family and friends didn't know about it! They would ask me details, etc. on where to stay…I'm like, all that is on the wedding website! Hahaha!
Soooo exciting!!!! 🙂
Very cool! Great date!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
I want it! =]