…I love these pink flower-covered sidewalks. I’m just glad they’re not falling by our house because it’s a big mess when combined with the rain.
…I’m still waiting on the possible Good Samaritan who’s found my lost license to mail it back to me…because I don’t want to pay for another just yet.
…Last week’s chilly and rainy weather was the pits. APRIL showers are supposed to bring May FLOWERS… not more showers, okay?
…The Mr. and I don’t like stepping out in wrinkled clothes. Wrinkles aren’t a good look, especially if you’re getting fancied up (but even when dressed down). Thankfully, the military instilled this into Tim so he always irons his clothes–and if I’m lucky, he’ll iron mine too 😉
…I almost can’t fathom that Donald Trump is the Republican presidential candidate. Is this real life?
…My bump is really growing. Baby L, who’s measuring above average (doc has said maybe that’s why I’m so big), has been moving so much and I love it. I am 8 months pregnant and have just a handful of weeks until the pregnancy is considered full term… I almost can’t contain my excitement! Happy Bump Day!
…We still don’t have a place of our own. Though I’m not freaking out about it as much as I have, it still makes me feel uneasy. My deadline for moving is June 1st because after that, this baby mama is staying put.
…I’m happy my hubby is almost home. He’s been back home for a sad and unexpected family funeral, only to receive news that another loved one died while he was home. I just want him in my arms safe and sound–I’ve missed him dearly.
…And finally, the winner of the giveaway is: Patricia B.! Look out for an email from me!
Linking up with Confessions of a Northern Belle
Linking up with Confessions of a Northern Belle
That's so nice someone mailed you your license! Thanks for linking up! Can you mention the link-up link in the post? =0) Thanks!